Do you want to create relationships that... Serves you Supports you Empowers you

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5 ways you can stop the overwhelm and transform your relationship from chaos to calm

Relationships are a part of everyday life.

Relationships are a part of everyday life. From them we gain strength, love, courage but they can equally take those very things away from us, causing us heartache, embarrassment and loneliness.

Yet these are all things that we can choose.

You see, what you may not realise is that in every moment we have the ability to choose what will happen. How we will react. How we will feel and what we will do next and often we don’t appreciate the power that we hold.

Many people live their life, waiting for the next shiny thing to come their way in order to be “happy”.

Don’t be like them, take control of your own happiness and start to design your relationships your way.

A way that fills you up and makes you happy

Relationships give us strength, love and support.

"If you are lying awake at night replaying the same argument over and over again, wondering if tomorrow is going to be the same. I can help. Let me show you how you can create empowered, loving and trusting relationships."

Lorrie Brook

so what can you do?


There is a misconception out there that it takes both of you to improve your happiness and contentment when it comes to your relationship.  And that simply isn’t the case.  Your own happiness and contentment comes from within and that is the very first place we need to start to look when we want to make improvements in this area.    Being able to understand the impact that we have on our relationships and how we can make positive changes to improve the end result can be mind blowing when it comes to improving our overall happiness.

Is it time to reset your relationship?
Relationship conversations

sometimes it just takes a conversation…

If you find that you are at a point where you need to have a conversation but just don’t know how, we can help.  Relationship conversations can provide you both with a safe space to have the conversation you need.  

WHEN YOU BOTH ARE READY… relationship mediation

If you both are ready to take proactive steps to openly discuss issues and how to move forward relationship mediation is a great alternative.  Relationship mediation can provide you both with a safe space in which you can openly discuss the issues that you are facing as well as options on how you can resolve them and move forward.  All of this is done with an independent mediator on board to ensure that your conversations remain focussed and on point.

Relationship Mediation to help improve your relationship

Resources for every stage ...

Client Testimonials

the Very best opinions

"Lorrie's ability to break down communication into an easy to understand process has given me great comfort in communicating with my ex."
"This time last year, I was stuck, lonely and just barely getting by. Thanks to Lorrie's course, I’m a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."
"This work has given me peace of mind and it is very affordable, I cannot put a price on peace of mind and I highly recommend this forum to anyone who is experiencing communication issues."